Our Stories for God's Glory

Rev 12:10-11

CONNECTING our stories of God’s engagement in our everyday lives to strengthen, support, and encourage each other on our journey with Jesus. Philippians 2:1-4

Faith like a child

Faith like a child

Dear Abba, You sent your One and only Son, Jesus Christ, on an important mission to Earth. Jesus came shining - The Light; testifying - The Truth; leading us - The Way; reviving us -The Life. Jesus, God in the flesh, was and is the most important person in all of existence. He could have commanded boardrooms, palaces, and city gates. Instead he tended to fields of paupers, women, and children -  The Good Shepheard. And Oh, the children...how Jesus loved the little children!  "Let the little...

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"God! I can't go on like this!" My marriage was a constant wrestling match. We were missionary dorm parents. We had handfuls of dorm children and four boys of our own. I was downright miserable with constant conflict, seething judgmentally over the most recent clash. In this chair on the flat roof of a two-story cement dorm in West Africa, I was desperate for a Holy Ally. As I read through my Bible in Psalms, God highlighted verses to let me know He had a...

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This hymn, learned in church when I was a child, drives my will forward when God calls my husband and I to take what feels like huge risks. When His voice rings clear, we obey to sit still, dig in, or step out, praying He'll strengthen us to remain surrendered as He works out His good and perfect will. Over years of repetitively walking by faith, and seeing how God works things out, we have gained confidence to anchor ourselves in His grip. Yet often, I grow weary when the journey winds longer...

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Who is holding your heart right now? Who is your strength, encouragement, and support to get you through this day? Who will rejoice with you in triumph or cry with you in pain? I pray that as you read this, the Heavenly Father’s loving presence pours over you from head to toe, and that you hear His Holy Spirit say, “Pick Me.” God is with you. In this very moment, His breath is in your lungs, His design is in every building block of your DNA. His mind is eager to share wisdom and guidance with...

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Bill and I have been privileged to belong to numbers of communities that will never stop being missed. Chances are you’re reading this because you have been part of one or more of them. We have never forgotten you even as the years and miles have taken our journeys around the globe. Philippians 1:2-7a “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your...

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John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him.”  John 14:1-3 “Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a...

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Growing in Christ
Sharing Your Stories

I'm in love with Jesus!

God's Word - Our Firm Foundation

The McCombs

 Following Jesus Christ – The Way, The Truth, The Life (John 14:6) – Nancy desires to write books and resources directing those within hearing to seek a vibrant relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through His Word, worship, and prayer. Happy are the people whose God is the Lord!

Nancy and Bill met and married at Southwestern Bible College, now Arizona Christian University. They earned degrees in Elementary Education w/ Bible and Christian Ministries: Youth w/ Bible. Together, they served junior high through college-age youth for over 30 years, with Palmcroft Church in Phoenix, AZ having been home base from 1991 – 2021.

From 1996 – 2019 Bill and Nancy served with WorldVenture mission in Cote d’ Ivoire at the International Christian Academy and in Senegal at Dakar Academy. Both K – 12 schools in West Africa were established by collaborating evangelical missions for missionary kids (MK’s) and international kids.

Their last two years as Arizona residents were spent in partnership with Raising Arizona’s Men. RAM is a Christian non-profit organization, serving foster care and post-foster care young men with skills days, summer camp, adult housing, life-skills training, education, and family-style discipleship.

South Carolina is home base now.  As missionary members of MidTown Fellowship: Lexington, they belong to a warm-hearted life group, firmly committed to God and His Word, building each other up in God’s Word, prayer, and acts of service. 

After working for Chick-Fil-A and then as a teacher and volunteer liaison at Ezekiel Ministries, Nancy now teaches ELA and Creative Writing at American Leadership Academy. Bill works as a School Resource Officer (SRO) for Richland County.

The McCombs have four sons, now all in their twenties, residing in four different states with close friends and church families. Their oldest son and his wife have become parents, making Bill & Nancy first-time grandparents!

The Joy Weaver

– grassroots-

by Nancy McComb

I was growing up once, just like you. I remember the fears and frustrations as if they were yesterday. I started keeping journals to recall how hard it was. And then I kept on writing so I would never forget how good God is! Let’s talk story!

Have you ever…

-done something so mortifying, you wish you could take it back?

-experienced anything so embarrassing, you promised yourself you would never do it again?

-struggled with secret sins that made you feel dirty and defeated?

-felt so lonely that you thought you might go crazy?

-feared that you may not get what you want out of life?

-struggled to figure out what God’s love really feels like?

-wanted to follow God with all your heart, but didn’t know how?

I surely have. Growing up can be so tough! Yet with God, we never walk alone.

This book is a collection of whimsical and poignant tales of a mischievous, boy-crazy Third Culture Kid (TCK) growing up in Honduras and Hawaii in a strong Christian missionary family. But growing up is hard to do even in the best of circumstances. How will this Biblically grounded girl turn into a solid woman of faith while challenged by her own strong will, myriads of temptations, and deep insecurities? The Joy Weaver is God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Grassroots are the foundations and defining moments of spiritual formation along the way to adulthood. Join me on the journey of discovering intimacy with God while learning to trust Him and obey His Word.